Many of you have already stopped by the stand to pick up your Frequent Buyer Cards. Everyone will have a shot at being able to participate in our New program. In previous years we have given an FBC to our new and frequent customers to be able to acquire a 10% discount after 5/10 visits. This year, along with the discount, we will have a drawing at the end of every month. Those customers who have had enough purchases to fill the card will be eligible for the drawing. Our CSA and Longwood Garden Cardholders will also be entitled to enter the drawing with the same number of purchases. The drawings at the end of the month will be for "Dinner for Two," to one of the our local restaurants. These fine esablishments are in support of "Buy Local.".................................

So don't forget to stop in and get your card! Speaking of CSA.........
CSA for the Week of June 11th is:
2 Bunches of Garlics capes
1 Bulb of Garlic
3 Summer Squash
1 Bag of Lettuce
1 Bunch of Scallions
1 5oz. Pumpkin Butter
1 of HG's Famous Heirloom Tomato plants
Recipe for this week: Thank you Vanessa Lauria!
sundried tomato and spinach phyllo squares
recipe by vanessa lauria
ingredients (most of which are available at SIW!)
1/2 bunch of scallions, whites and greens chopped
1 bunch of garlic scapes, chopped
a few sprigs of thyme, chopped
a handful of parsley, chopped
a few sprigs of oregano, chopped
several cloves of garlic, minced
salt and pepper to season
2-3 bunches of fresh spinach, chopped OR 1 lb of defrosted frozen spinach, squeeze well to get rid of excess moisture
6-8 oz of feta (I prefer to buy a block of feta and crumble it)
1lb block of tofu, crumbled (squeeze to get rid of excess moisture)
1/3 cup sun dried tomatoes, chopped
one roll of phyllo dough (found in the frozen section of your grocery- be sure to defrost the roll in the fridge overnight)
olive oil and a pastry brush OR olive oil cooking spray
this is a great summertime recipe that can be assembled a day ahead of time, and baked the next day. it's suitable for vegetarians and easily
adapted as an appetizer as well as main dish. the addition of tofu bumps up the protein and reduces fat and sodium. it absorbs the seasoning and melds
with the feta cheese- you won't even notice it! this goes perfectly with a big green salad too.
PREHEAT OVEN TO 375 and lightly grease a 9 x 13 inch baking pan
1. FILLING: saute the scallions, garlic and garlic scapes until they are wilted and fragrant. add the seasonings. add the spinach and tofu and continue
to cook over medium heat until any excess liquid cooks off. add the tofu (tofu crumbling is fun for children- squishing between fingers!) and
sun dried tomatoes. this is a pretty quick step- maybe 15 minutes or so total.
2. ASSEMBLE: place a sheet of phyllo dough (keep the stack of dough covered with a towel so that it doesn't dry out too quickly) in the
greased pan, letting the phyllo edges climb up the sides. Brush it all over with olive oil or spray with oil spray, and add another sheet. repeat until you
have a stack of 10 oiled sheets (or half the roll). you don't have to go nuts with the oil if you'd like to stay a bit more healthy. conversely, you can swap the oil for
melted butter.
3. add the filling, spreading it evenly to the edges. continue layering and oiling the remaining half of the phyllo on top of the filling. oil the top layer.
4. gently (with a serrated knife) cut the unbaked casserole into squares. bake uncovered for about 45 minutes or until golden and crispy. serve hot
or at room temp.
Sale, Sale, Sale for Tuesday and Wednesday Only!
$1.99 per pound
Hurry while supplies last!
See You There!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!