We're gearing up for our first Crop Mob of the season. SIW will be holding its 7th annual Crop Mob with the
Delaware Center for Horticulture on March 18th and April 29th from 9-12 am . This is a chance for participants to learn about some of the processes on the farm such as; "why onions are grown in plastic". Once the "work" is complete we all enjoy lunch.
It has been a huge success in past years so we are excited to get to work this year! Spots fill up fast, if you are interested in helping us out on March 18th please email us at:
no later then Wednesday, March 15th, this will guarantee you get a delicious lunch.
The garlic that was planted in November is beginning to sprout and is well on its way.
Although, it still has a while to go before it'll be harvested. Things are moving right along; tomatoes and some peppers are in the greenhouse and rolling