It's Time for 2023 CSA Sign Ups!
If you have never been a part of our CSA you need to read this! We operate a little
differently than other CSAs.
What is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)? Historically, CSA’s charged you money in the winter and gave you whatever they had (their choice) every week throughout the growing season. In addition, members had to work a certain number of hours on the farm to share in the experience. This helped to educate the members about what it takes to produce their vegetables and why some crops failed and others didn’t. It also helped the farmer to get some work done too! Some people even like
that kind of thing! We the people are much lazier now though some CSA’s still require 50-100 hrs a year of labor. We don’t.
We do charge you in the winter and we do give you stuff in the summer. That is where we part paths with the Fundamentalists. We don’t require you to work on the farm in the summer though we would welcome you with open arms. Summer camp for the kids? Ha! I encourage you to at least come to see that we really are growing fruits and veggies on the farm.
We do not grow everything organically. We do grow a lot of things without man-made chemicals. We are very careful about what we do use to control problems that arise from time to time. Some crops are more susceptible to insects and diseases and we recognize that and treat accordingly IF we think the economic threshold has been passed. This is called Integrated Pest Management or IPM and we have been practicing it for 33 years (the beginning of SIW time). It requires a lot more management and a lot fewer chemicals (organic or synthetic).
You select your own produce, get a discount on items we don’t grow, and can have all the free compost you want (actually we have a 100-ton limit. Sorry). If you don’t have a truck we would be glad to lend you one. If you want me to deliver it is $45 per load (3 yards) and I can dump it wherever you want. We post the CSA list Monday morning and you pick up your goodies any day of the week that works for you (although we encourage weekday pickups so you can beat the Saturday and Sunday crowds). If you decide you need more for your big shindig on Saturday night you get a discount on that too.

If you agree to become a member you pay me in the winter and I give you fruits
and vegetables that I grow once a week throughout the growing season, (Every other
week for a Half Share). Typically we start to get a few things in mid-June, most things in
July through early October and decrease in October as the month wears on. Except for
pumpkins and all the fall decorating stuff, of course. The idea is that you help us when
we don’t have any money coming in and eat healthy all summer! Our canned goods are
not included though you do get a discount on them. You also share in the ups and downs
of the growing season. If we have a crop failure you are out of luck. But conversely, if we
have a bumper crop you get extra. We are at Mother Nature’s mercy.

We try to keep an updated board with what you are entitled to each week. If you
are confused by something or notice an omitted product on display PLEASE ASK FOR
HELP. This works much like the honor system. You can come ANY DAY OF THE WEEK (though we encourage you to come on weekdays to beat the weekend rush). You select your veggies from this list. There are no substitutions and we ask that you please honor
this. If you take extra someone else may get short-changed. We are
picking and selling fresh things constantly so if something's not there that's on the board just let us know and we'll offer you a substitute. We don’t pick many items by the truckload
and store them in huge quantities to have them available all the time. Grocery stores do that. In
order for them to do that they have to pick things less ripe so they will last. Not so with SIW. We do store some things, but the majority of the items are sold the day they are

picked. Betcha didn’t know that!
Corn is the exception. We usually keep that for two weeks or more. If anyone believed that they are not allowed to join. We pick our corn multiple times daily and feed it to the pigs if it’s leftover at the end of the day. But we don’t have pigs so it goes to a good home or the compost pile. Are you cornfused yet?
If you have any questions at all please e-mail me or call. Your satisfaction is truly important to me!
SIGN UP FOR THE 2023 CSA HAS BEGUN AND YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR SIW BUCKS ANY TIME OF YEAR! Just go to the SIW Bucks page here on our website for additional information.
Full Share $875.00/Half Share is $480.00.
Sign up early and save. Pricing goes up by $25/month after 2/28!
Please note there is a 3% service fee for PayPal, credit card, and Venmo payments
Checks can be mailed to the address below.
SIW Vegetables, 4311 S. Creek Rd, Chadds Ford, PA 19317
January or February Payment
Please submit $901.25 for Full Share or $494.40 for a Half Share
if using Venmo to account for the service fees. Please put your name and email address in the notes so we can contact you. Thank you!
Thank you,
H.G. Haskell III