Thursday, September 30, 2010

SIW is CLOSED today!

Due to the torrential rain and high winds this tropical storm is bringing us today, we have decided to batten down the hatches and close our stand for the day.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We will reopen on Friday and be open for the weekend, as usual.

Stay safe and stay dry!

Mums and more Mums!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CSA: Weekly Share

Lots of amazing stuff abounds at the stand this week. The peppers are at their peak, most certainly. Enjoy something spicy for dinner one night! 

But, once again, I have to mention the corn. If for any reason, you missed it the last few weeks, I beg you to make sure you stop by to get your share this week. It has been ridiculously sweet and as crisp as corn gets. They picked the last bi-color patch this weekend, so it will be all white corn from here on out. We will have plenty till frost. 

And our tomato plants are just continuing to pump out best-of-the-season goodness. We've added on a few more pounds this week since we are so heavy on them. 

A nice heap of Doc Martins were picked yesterday, so they will be on the list again. They keep saying it might be the last picking, but they come up with more, again. 


"The List":
8 white corn
1 lb. doc martin lima beans
1 lb. green beans
2 lbs. regular tomatoes
2 lbs. heirloom tomatoes 
1 bag lettuce
1 lb. squash
3 cuke
3 garlic
1 red onions
3 hot peppers
1 lb. yellow potatoes
1 bunch Zinnias
1 sprig basil 
5 Jack-b-littles

Honey Crisp apples
Sweet potato squash

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall Favorites

Good stuff just keeps on coming!
Fall strawberries from Canada

Local cider made from honeycrisp apples

Jack-B-Littles are the essence of Autumn

Cool nights & hot days make corn extra sweet and crisp!

Squash so pretty it looks like its painted

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Autumn Has Arrived

How fitting, this year, that the day our calendars flipped over to Fall, we had temperatures that reached the 90º mark! And although it may not feel like fall as far as the temps, and we still have amazingly delicious corn and plentiful amounts of tomatoes and heirloom tomatoes, it certainly looks like fall at our stand.

Most of the fall decorating stuff is in. Pumpkins of all shapes sizes and colors! Giants, cannonballs, jack-b-littles—orange and white, pump-ke-mons of many colors, gourds, amazing squash varieties—all edible but certainly decorative. Corn stalks are being picked, as are both the standard Indian corn and mini-indian corns.

One more word about the CORN. These cool nights and hot days are the perfect conditions for crisp, sweet corn. The ripening has slowed down so we are able to stay on top of picking at its perfect maturity and it is THE BEST it has been all season. Be sure to stop by and enjoy this Autumn Joy!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

CSA: Weekly Share

Lemon, pickling and Armenian cucumbers
As we are just about to officially enter into the Autumn season (fall equinox is on wed. at 11:09pm) this year we are blessed with a true "Indian Summer". These warm days and cool nights are allowing many of our crops to continue to grow and ripen beautifully. The cukes, summer squashes, beans, Doc Martins, eggplant, tomatoes and corn, are still thriving and producing. The corn has been astounding—crisp and soooo sweet. We are picking some of our Sugar and Spice bi-color, which is the most delicious corn I've ever eaten. And those heirlooms tomatoes just keep pumping out amazing, big gorgeous fruits. 
We have been picking some really nice sweet potatoes and the yukon golds are still pumping out lots of yummy spuds.  

"The List":
8 corn, you pick the type
1 lb. doc martin lima beans
1 lb. green beans
2 lbs. regular tomatoes
3 lbs. heirloom tomatoes 
1 pint cherry tomatoes (if they pick)
1 bag lettuce
1 lb. squash
1 cuke
1 garlic
2 red onions
3 hot peppers
1 lb. potatoes
Flowers might be over—but if they pick, you are welcome to some
1 sprig basil 
2 cannonball pumpkins OR
1 white pumpkin

Giant pumpkins 

The Giant Pumpkins are going to have a fantastic year. We've picked only a few so far but the fields are full of big lumps of orange!

Giant caterpillars

A curious visitor: someone said this was a walnut caterpillar. It was huge!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Edible and Decorative

Many people buy these as a cute decorative pumpkin, but they really are grown for pumpkin pie

Festival and White Acorn Squash.

Friday, September 17, 2010

It's Pumpkin Time!

It's been a great season for growing so many things this year. Pumpkins are no exception. All these crazy types of squash make for good eating. Or you can make your own beautiful fall display.

And the heirloom tomatoes just keep on comin'! They are so amazing this year. Remember—we will continue to have them until frost.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Love Apples" at their peak!

Did you know that an early Italian or Spanish marketeer, in an attempt to enthuse European's palates, labeled tomatoes an aphrodisiac and coined the term poma amoris. Hence, tomatoes became known as "Love Apples". Even just a glance of these beauties and certainly with a taste, tomato lovers get why they were named as such.

What about SIW's Love Apples? Well, after a brief period between patches, our tomatoes, both Heirlooms and our Fabulous field tomatoes (Fabulous is the name of the variety we grow!) are back in full force. The cooler nights slow down the ripening in the field but we have plenty of amazingly delicious "love apples" to choose from. They will continue till frost so we have lots of good eatin' to come. 

We've already had a couple of batches made this year of our simply delicious Tomato Sauce. Get yours by the pint or quart, or if you want to stock up for the winter, or get some to bring to your friends, we offer a 10% discount on full cases. We have our classic tomato, onion and garlic; classic with Basil; and we offer a limited edition Heirloom variety. 

And what else goes better with tomatoes than fresh Artisan Bread? These guys (LeBus Bakery) make some pretty awesome bread and foccacia. They are delivered fresh, every day. ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

CSA: Weekly Share

We are shifting into fall mode here. Our mums have arrived and some of the cool weather crops are just getting ready to pick. Brent's lettuce has begun again. It is so tender and sweet! 
Do try the sweet potatoes. Some are a bit gnarly, but they are fresh dug and very delicious!
The next patch of tomatoes are just starting to be picked. A few more heirlooms were ready yesterday so the table is pretty full today. And it looks like we should have enough cherry tomatoes for everyone as well. But a reminder that we will have plenty of corn and tomatoes until frost.
The melons are over from our fields. We will be getting local ones—as long as they are available.
No sign of pumpkins yet but they are certainly right around the corner. 

8 corn, you pick the type
1lb. doc martin lima beans
1lb. regular tomatoes
1lb. heirloom tomatoes (possibly)
1 pint cherry tomatoes (possibly)
1 bag lettuce
1 lb. squash
1 cukes
1 garlic
2 onions
1 hot pepper
1 lb. potatoes
1lb. sweet potatoes
1/2 lb. eggplant
1 edamame (possibly)
1 bunch flowers
1 sprig basil 
Pick-A-Peck—The hot and heirloom peppers are abundant!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Year of the Peach

It has been an amazing season for our local peaches this year. They love it hot and dry and as ya'll know, we've had plenty of both this summer! Unfortunately, though, all good things do come to an end. We should have peaches for another few weeks, but you should get em while you can. 

This little cutie was caught picking out a basket of our delicious cherry tomatoes. We grow about 15 varieties of cherry tomatoes that range from very sweet to ridiculously sweet. Lots of colors and shapes to choose from! And the crop will continue to be plentiful until the nights get frosty. So lots of tomatoes still to come!

Okra is another crop that loves it hot and dry. We have been having huge picks of okra this year so if you are one of those "Okra People" (you know who you are!) be sure to stop by and grab some while the grabbins' good. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September is Harvest Season!

Although we are experiencing a slight lull in tomatoes due to being between patches right now, there are TONS of amazing heirloom and field tomatoes still  to come. For lunch today I had a tomato sandwich with a Brandywine heirloom, Claudio fresh mozzarella, with mayo on our LeBus bakery sliced Italian bread. It was SUMMER DIVINE as it gets. I was going to put pesto on one side of the bread but decided not to. I was so glad I'd refrained from the pesto as the Brandywine tomato flavor was so amazing!

And our eggplants continue to be plentiful and just plain gorgeous. We have a shape for whatever it is you wish to make. For the grill: Simply cut to the desired shape you want (the lavender striped fairy tale can be cooked whole), brush with olive oil and grill for 10 minutes per side on medium heat. Add a dash of balsamic vinaigrette, or a little salt and pepper and enjoy the flavors of summer.