pic taken at the end of June- imagine what they look like now! |
We are in full zucchini/squash season now! I've been adding patty pan squash and zucchini to every stir fry and pasta dish I make. I've made zucchini bread and slathered it in pesto and goat cheese.
For the 4th of July, I stretched a bowl of homemade guac(as in mole) by blending a small zucchini into tiny, shreddy bits and mixing it in. More guac to enjoy, you can't taste it and the guac becomes a lil more healthy! Have any of you tried interesting uses for these babies besides throwing them on the grill? Leave your ideas in the comments section to give me some new ideas.. :)
a gorgeous swirly tendril on a cucumber plant. |
zucchini flowers |
Did you know that squash blossoms are either male or female? Only the female flowers will develop into squash/zucchini. In the photo above you can see the male (tall skinny stem, upright blossom) and female (attached to the end of a siamese yellow squash. P.S. all you home gardeners - blossoms are edible.. stuff 'em with cheese, beautify salads or fry 'em!
squash blossom being admired at the farm tour last month. |
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