Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Love Apples" at their peak!

Did you know that an early Italian or Spanish marketeer, in an attempt to enthuse European's palates, labeled tomatoes an aphrodisiac and coined the term poma amoris. Hence, tomatoes became known as "Love Apples". Even just a glance of these beauties and certainly with a taste, tomato lovers get why they were named as such.

What about SIW's Love Apples? Well, after a brief period between patches, our tomatoes, both Heirlooms and our Fabulous field tomatoes (Fabulous is the name of the variety we grow!) are back in full force. The cooler nights slow down the ripening in the field but we have plenty of amazingly delicious "love apples" to choose from. They will continue till frost so we have lots of good eatin' to come. 

We've already had a couple of batches made this year of our simply delicious Tomato Sauce. Get yours by the pint or quart, or if you want to stock up for the winter, or get some to bring to your friends, we offer a 10% discount on full cases. We have our classic tomato, onion and garlic; classic with Basil; and we offer a limited edition Heirloom variety. 

And what else goes better with tomatoes than fresh Artisan Bread? These guys (LeBus Bakery) make some pretty awesome bread and foccacia. They are delivered fresh, every day. ENJOY!!!

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