Thursday, March 10, 2016

Spring is on the way!

With the warm weather we are having this week we've seen a lot of growth in the greenhouse...

The tomatoes are coming along well in the greenhouse. In just a few short weeks they'll be moved outside next to the greenhouse to go through a process that is called hardening off. The process of hardening off is to prepare plants that have been started indoors (the greenhouse) for the change in environmental conditions they will encounter when permanently moved outdoors. This strengthens the plants to be able to withstand any dips in temperature since we are having some pretty unpredictable weather these last couple days. 

Soon enough the greenhouse will be full of trays of tomato seedlings that will be transplanted outside to begin producing those HG tomatoes we all love! Stay tuned to see how they're progressing.

In fact HG is in the high tunnel preparing for the tomatoes right now...

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